Video de Clelia Francesconi casi calata

... RBC Canal (m)Once - Episodio IV: El post perdido (parte 2 de 2)

Video de Clelia Francesconi en bikini (RECOMENDADO)

CleliaA diferencia de muchas otras figuras del espectáculo nacional que gozan haciendo de su imagen un lupanar (tal es el caso de Eva María Abad, para mayores señas repasar el post del mes de marzo "Soy una prosti muy coquera"), la modelo Clelia Francesconi Charpentier siempre se ha caracterizado por evidenciar un exagerado afán de enrostrarnos su ejemplar conducta personal, la cual se encuentra, según sus propias palabras, "regida dentro de los cánones más puros de la decencia y moralidad", esforzándose por mantener en todo momento no solo las buenas costumbres y maneras (en apariencia, al menos) sino también un inusual low profile, lo que nos lleva a conjeturar si las razones de tanto alarde de sobriedad y rectitud (desmedida alharaca digna de sospecha) obedezcan tal vez a propósitos no tan encomiables, y si acaso dicha actitud no es más que el calculado disfraz de la presumible vida licenciosa y libertina que la conductora errebecina pretende encarecidamente ocultar.

Está de sobra demostrado que aquellas personas que se desviven por reflejar ante la opinión pública una imagen sana, correcta y justiciera son por detrás velados verdugos de las causas altruistas que tanto pregonan y defienden; poseedores todos de una doble moral, su única preocupación es aparentar una vida paradigmática y ejemplar mientras fiscalizan el accionar de sus nobles congéneres. Pinga para estos miserables conchasumadres, casos como esos hay muchos y me bajaría mil posts intentándolos detallar. Para no dejarlos con las ganas, citaré aunque sea un par de los más representativos y recientes, como el de la defensora N°1 de las mujeres maltratadas del Perú, la figuretti Rosario Pezuñasieta Morales, una gorda inmunda y despreciable que vio terminados sus días de encubierta tiranía luego que fuera desenmascarada por su propia asistente personal, María Elena Medianero, una humilde mujer trabajadora víctima de constantes agresiones y maltratos por parte de la ahora cuestionada congresista (lavada de pezuñas incluida: "son blanditas y pecositas", caso conocido como el pezuñagate affaire); ni qué decir del pelón Pinganoza, el inquisidor N°1 de la televisión basura del Perú, que cerró la putrefacta primera temporada de "El Tribunal de la Tele" con una dupla considerada por muchos imposible: Susy Díaz en tanga y el reguetonero boricua Don Chezina (una muestra más de la degradación de la raza humana) haciendo juntos la pose kamasutriana de "la carretilla" (al compás del mejor Tra-tra-tra), previo ademán de esmerada mamila ejecutada con pericia por la señora Díaz, en un marco de doble transmisión con repetición al mediodía y en cadena nacional. Gracias Perú.

En fin, no quiero desviarme del tema de esta semana. En la primera parte de este díptico dedicado a Clelia Francesconi (que tenía por objetivo allanar el camino de la presente entrega pero que de manera inesperada terminó convertido en un fiasco duramente criticado por el grueso de la lectoría pajera), tuvimos oportunidad de comentar acerca de la escasa catadura moral de esta modelo devenida en conductora de televisión al ser partícipe de un canal tan retorcido como RBC y de ponerse al servicio de un inescrupuloso criminal de la calaña de Ricardo Belmont Casinelli, si es que acaso cabe el término en tan reducida humanidad.
Es así como llegamos al tema de fondo planteándonos la pregunta de rigor. ¿Qué sórdidos secretos esconde esta rubia teñida con pinta de gran coquera y chupapingas brava? La respuesta a esta vieja interrogante, estimados lectores pajeros, la hemos tenido siempre frente a nuestros ojos. Para contestarla basta ver a Clelia conduciendo "Punto de Quiebre", embutida en un delicioso hilo dental amarillo, luciendo sus ricas nalgas y labios carnosos, paseándose con olímpica concha por las orillas de nuestro querido mar-desagüe, meneando el culo con atrevido estilo, coqueta y zorrona. O basta verla fungiendo de panelista en ese bodrio errebecino llamado "Belmont Internacional", con su provocadora minifalda negra firmemente ceñida a sus ondeantes caderas, aguardando con paciencia el momento indicado para cruzar las piernas con total desparpajo (cual gata que caza de un zarpazo al ratón, todo un detalle para el púber pajero en casa), mientras lleva debajo, oculto a las miradas más insinuantes, el calzón rojo que le regaló el gerente comercial del canal que es su monta y amante. Carajo, qué rico es hacer mañoserías con hembritas así. O por último, basta verla opinando acerca de fútbol en "El Angel del Deporte", cancheraza y duraza, con sus ojos chinitos y labios hinchaditos, los mismos que se empeñan en forzar una sonrisita de noica jodida, mueca que nos revela no a cualquier furcia miraflorina que se mete su santa coca todos los fines de semana, sino a una coquera de ligas mayores, una pichanguera de alto vuelo que lava los trapos sucios en casa y que muestra su mejor lado frente a la cámara. Porque eso, señores, es lo único que importa en televisión: aparentar y engañar, o al menos cojudear lo suficiente como para que nadie se entere por dónde van los tiros (y hago hincapié en lo de tiros). Es justo aquí donde traigo a colación el espinoso asunto de Canal 11 y todo lo expuesto en el tan vilipendiado post anterior. El que la Francesconi trabaje en un antro de lujuria y perdición no es un hecho circunstancial, y para demostrar mi punto solo me queda alcanzarles uno de los rumores más clásicos y tradicionales del ambiente farandulero nacional, el cual dice que en los baños de RBC la coca nunca ha corrido por gramos, sino más bien por kilos: Alfredito González (pichanguero veterano), la piernona Lucecita Ceballos (colombiana), la desnudista Mónica Cabrejos (cuatro rinoplastías por perforación de tabique), Angel Pinganoza (adalid de la televisión "blanca"), 'Winnie Puh' & 'Manotas' (coqueros y homosexuales), la consumida Delly Madrid (maltratada duro y parejo, ya la botaron del canal), Elejalder Godos (siempre anda 'negro'), la ex rea Malú Costa (ampayada con un ojete de coca y pepas), el huevón de Joselito (ahora se parcha con Carlota), el ladrón de Belmont (y sus sospechosas pastillas para 'levantar' la moral), la misma Clelia (no hace falta decir más, esa carita no miente) y hasta el dulce Bebé Sinclair, que aparece de cuando en vez haciendo unas muecas bien pendejas, porque ante la imposibilidad motriz de otras diversiones más sanas como el fulbito, el playstation o la paja, buena es la pichanga, no por nada se le ve siempre bailando eléctrico sobre su sillita, sudando como cerdo en celo y metiéndole al negro Elejalder la misma lora brava de todos los días: de porqué el fútbol peruano es una mierda, de los añorados días en que la mamá de Manuel Burga era puta y de que ya van 27 años que no clasificamos a un Mundial. Ahora sí, gracias Perú.

La mafia en pleno: Clelia, Pinganoza, Baby Sinclair, Belmont y Godos
- La Nueva Banda del Choclito -

Y ya que hablamos de personajes indeseables relacionados al mundo del fútbol, vale la pena recordar una historia que en su momento fue malinterpretada por el público televidente. Con el pretexto de afianzar vínculos entre las principales figuras del canal con un 'almuerzo de confraternidad', el polémico Alfredito González organizó una comilona por canje en la siempre concurrida cevichería D'PuntaMares, vendiendo tarjetas como si se tratara de una pollada a un precio de 50 soles la unidad (qué otra cosa se puede esperar, el marrano es ratero conocido y si no mete cabeza no duerme tranquilo). El caso es que llegado el día del banquete, y tal como era de esperar, el gordo le hizo a Clelia una cerrada marca personal. Aprovechando el pánico y cuidando que los buitres no lo fueran a atrasar, se llevó a la rubia a un costado y le invitó un de tiradito de lenguado. Rato después, la concurrencia los vio partir juntos con rumbo desconocido. Las malas lenguas (Pinganoza y Godos) aseguran que la pareja pidió para llevar y que el tiradito se lo acabaron en el hostal.
Durante aquella célebre transmisión de 'El Angel del Deporte' en la que el chancho González fungió de invitado (programa repetido hasta el cansancio), el ex presidente crema le hizo recordar a Clelia algunos pasajes de acaso tan memorable salida. "Cómo me voy a olvidar... si estuvo muy rico el tiradito, Alfredito". El gordo de mierda soltó una carcajada que remeció el set entero, una especie de gruñido marranezco que devino en el incontrolable movimiento ondeante de ese montón de sebo deforme y contrahecho que es su cuerpo. Pero dudo mucho que entre ambos haya pasado algo siquiera remotamente parecido al cache tal cual lo conocemos, y no precisamente porque Clelia se oponga a aflojar rápido el calzón (y que lo afloja rápido), sino porque, así es estimado lector pajero, como bien has podido adivinar, al gordo González la pinga nunca-se-le-ha-parado (o al menos no en los últimos 15 años), y aunque en la práctica se trate de algo imposible, el día que ese pito se pare, el chancho colapsará y morirá de un infarto. Bien lo dijo el chino Peredo, la vida es como el fútbol, el que puede, puede; y el que no, llora o aplaude. A las pruebas me remito...

Mentiras Verdaderas:
"Ahora estoy mesurado, el peso no me ayuda. Además tengo una lesión en el coxis".

Alfredo González, en confesión inesperada al diario Ajá, da detalles contundentes de su desempeño en el ring de las 4 perillas (21/12/2008)

Place Commercial Here
Burn Energy Drink. Una vez más, y para beneplácito de la siempre exigente lectoría pajera, Clelia Francesconi en bikini. El plus: dupleta con su amiga Adriana que aparece de invitada, aunque no hay media vuelta ni enfoque de tarro. Para la próxima será.

Clelia Francesconi se enciende con Burn

Compensando el video de Burn, Clelia de espaldas y mostrando el tarro
- clic en la imagen para no perder detalle -

Bonus Track
En exclusiva para Crónicas de la Farándula Kitsch (gracias a la gentileza del lector pajero Angel Ganoza, quien días atrás nos informara de la existencia del hermoso material que verán a continuación), tengo el agrado de presentarles el debut de nuestra Clelia Francesconi en el mundo del celuloide (atención pajeros: hablamos de un doble debut, pues Clelia realiza aquí su primer desnudo frontal... se ven tetas). Para todos ustedes, y en calidad de primicia, los únicos avances de la cinta del 2006 "", un thriller tecnológico producido por Jensen Entertainment Productions (mucho gusto) y dirigido por Antonio Landeo Vega (mucho gusto también), quien al parecer es un aplicado alumno de la estilizada escuela Zegarriana. Debido a un conflicto de derechos entre distribuidoras y a una falta de liquidez en la caja chica, "" jamás entrará en exhibición. Una tragedia.

Trailer de - Una película protagonizada por Clelia Francesconi



Tras dos meses de ocurrido el hecho, y en vista de la lamentable confusión hasta ahora generada, he considerado conveniente dar a conocer nuestra posición oficial con respecto al material videográfico que el directorio PuréBlogs presentara con ocasión del evento BlogDay-Perú acontecido el mes de agosto pasado. Me refiero al infame video titulado "Quiero ser un blogstar", específicamente al segmento en donde se hace mención a este blog. No emitiré una opinión personal sobre el resto del video básicamente por consideración a las demás personas que participaron en la realización del mismo, centrándome de manera exclusiva, como ya precisé, en la parte que nos atañe.

La intención difamatoria es más que evidente

A esta gentuza no se le ocurrió mejor idea que mostrar a un gordo de mierda bailando perreo y tocándose el culo frente al encabezado de este antro blogueril (un sujeto al que grabaron convenientemente de espaldas y sin dar la cara), dejando así abierta la posibilidad para que el ocasional espectador pueda suponer que el tipo en cuestión no es otra persona más que el Doctor Monique uniéndose a la celebración y bailando frente a su blog farandulero, con el guiño de dar la espalda para proteger el distintivo anonimato. Aunque suene difícil de creer, todavía hay quienes se preguntan si "es cierto que el pata que aparece en el video del 'blogstar' es...?", y lo menciono porque hasta el día de hoy sigo recibiendo dichas inquietudes, ya sea por twitter, facebook o email. Incluso hace unas semanas ocurrió un pequeño incidente con algunos miembros de la lectoría pajera, quienes me increparon por haberme sometido a semejante humillación, y sobre todo, por haber sido capaz de ridiculizar al blog y a sus fieles lectores. Y es que a pesar de todo lo que he comentado aquí y del tono en general que tienen los posts de este bulín, además del hecho de haber mostrado siempre mi renuencia a asistir (por cuarto año consecutivo) a esa estúpida y ridícula celebración llamada "Blog Day" y, principalmente, de hacer pública (una vez más) mi rotunda negativa a participar en esa mierda de concurso para nerds necesitados de reconocimiento y fama que es el "20 Blogs Peruanos" (donde gana aquel nerd que vota por sí mismo un chuchonal de veces), muchos asiduos se atrevieron a afirmar y a lanzar la acusación de que el gordo impresentable que aparecía de espaldas bailando perreo y tocándose el culo en el video de PuréBlogs era yo. Lo que uno tiene que venir a aguantar a veces.

Ante el prolongado silencio de estos miserables de PuréBlogs, que tiraron la piedra y escondieron la mano (ni siquiera se dignaron a responder las preguntas sobre esta duda en particular que la gente les hacía llegar en el apartado de comentarios de YouTube), tuve que salir yo mismo a dar las explicaciones del caso y negar cualquier relación con el video presentado, aclarando además que el culón que salía allí no se asemejaba ni siquiera en un pelo a mí.

Tendría que ser muy imbécil como para denigrarme de esa manera y prestarme a tan lamentable espectáculo, y tendría que ser muy imbécil también como para faltarle el respeto a la lectoría pajera de este blog, mostrando mi conformidad y beneplácito ante las difamatorias líneas "los bataclaneros pueden estar contentos, siempre las calatas te darán visitas, más si incluyes sexo".

El hecho de que la mafia de PuréBlogs se meta con este blog es algo que se puede permitir y hasta tolerar, ya ha sucedido antes, y la verdad no nos hacemos problemas por ello. Alguna vez el creador de dicho directorio, un tal Gordorracín, confesó textualmente en una entrevista que aquella controvertida modificación realizada en su argollero sistema (la inclusión y ponderación del concepto "autoridad", destinada a favorecer a los amigos blogueros relegados en el ranking) se debía principalmente a su intención de desplazar de los primeros lugares de la lista a los blogs que conseguían visitas publicando temas facilistas como "Britney Spears sin calzón", en clara y directa alusión a "Doctor Monique" y su visitadísimo post titulado "Fotos de Britney Spears sin calzón", uno de los más grandes hits de esta tu casa blogueril y de la blogósfera peruana en general. Lamentables y desatinadas declaraciones que decidí tomarlas como cuando te sucede algo parecido de niño: si la pelota es del gordo huevón, entonces no queda más que dejarlo jugar, incluso si es él quien impone sus arbitrarias reglas. A pesar de la jugada artera y del comentario tan fuera de lugar, el asunto quedaba allí para mí.

Pero el hecho de que PuréBlogs vuelva a la carga y se meta esta vez con la lectoría pajera, denigrando a sus miembros y rebajándolos a la categoría de vulgares "bataclaneros", convirtiendo además a este blog en el hazmerreir de su show, es una tremenda falta de respeto que no voy a tolerar, menos todavía cuando da a entender que el fenotipo del lector pajero es un gordo simplón que se solaza viendo fotos de calatas mientras se toca amaneradamente el cuerpo.

"Siempre las calatas te darán visitas, más si incluyes sexo". Según el obtuso criterio de la gente de PuréBlogs, lo que se ofrece en "Doctor Monique" es solo calatas y sexo, mas no texto, razón por la que justifican nuestro gran volumen de visitas (un promedio de 14,000 al día), cantidad que, según ellos, se debe gracias a la enorme legión de arrechos que entran en mancha únicamente a pajearse.
Si eso es lo que creen, entonces los reto, ignorantes pelafustanes dueños de PuréBlogs, a que me muestren por lo menos 5 imágenes de desnudos parciales que yo haya publicado en los casi 4 años de vida de este blog. No solo eso, también los reto, mediocres blogueros que manejan PuréBlogs, a que intenten siquiera acercarse al depurado y brillante estilo de escritura de muchos de los clásicos comentaristas de este blog (y que tanto subestiman), como el que ostentan Viejo Cachero, Los Tumis, El Aprendiz, Imberbe Muchacho, Jocho, Pajeronimus, Vladimiro, Chongastic, Lord Lazz H, Diego, Napo, Shesho, Knarf, Biyu, entre otros, o como el estilo de los más recientes, caso Voltaire, Pateador, Chonguito, House, Hoshino, Bukowski o Angel Ganoza.

De ninguna manera voy a permitir que pobres diablos como Gordorracín y compañía vengan a hacer pública burla de nosotros y a menospreciar a la gente que participa activamente de este blog.

Un último mensaje a los dueños del tan venido a menos directorio PuréBlogs: que me la mamen y me la sigan mamando.


El Doctor Monique

Star Siblings brighten up Sanjana Jon’s show

It was a touching moment when Sanjana Jon, the sister of jailed fashion designer Anand Jon, broke down during the show organized by her at the ongoing Wills Lifestyle Fashion Week. The show was a tribute to her brother, who has been sentenced to 59 years in prison.

The showstoppers for Sanjana Jon’s Spring/Summer 2010 collection show at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion week were brother duo Salman Khan and Sohail Khan, sister duo Raima and Riya Sen, and brother-sister duo Sushmita Sen and Rajiv Sen. Sarod maestro Aman Ali Khan and Ayan Ali Khan also showcased the creation by the designer.

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This Is It - Movie Review

This Is ItCast: Michael Jackson
Director: Kenny Ortega
Rating: ***

This is it. The moment has arrived. For weeks there has been widespread speculation around the actual content of the musical documentary on Michael Jackson.

While director Kenny Ortega had announced that the film would give a sneak peek of Jackson's rehearsals for his concert series by the same name ("This Is It"), naysayers wondered if they would indeed get to see what was promised.

Conspiracy theories about a body double being used to make this film were all around as also that the movie "This Is It" was yet another means to cash in on the popularity of the legend who died June 25.

But this is not the case. The two-hour film features Jackson the way he was and there is no duplicate filling in for him. Yes, the horror of his failing health is pretty much visible in his weak body structure. However, what is certainly not missing is the man's energy, passion, determination and zeal to give it all to his fans.

"Love you all" and "God bless you" are mouthed frequently by the pop star who got his rehearsals captured on camera for his personal library. Now when the man is no more, these videos have been cut and edited to give audiences something to cheer about.

Seeing a parallel global release, the film captures Jackson in perhaps not his full glory since the spunk created in front of live audiences is always different from on-stage rehearsals.

However, what truly shocks is the fact that the man was pretty much alive, kicking and raring to go for his comeback concert. After seeing his moves, it is hard to believe that his health had deteriorated to such an extent that he met with a sudden death soon after.

"This Is It" is surely a treat for Jackson fans. For those who aren't, the film doesn't quite give any insight into the man's life since it is assumed that "This Is It" is mainly for those who were closely following his music and were prepared for the concert. So, if anyone is looking for a documentary on his life per se, then this really isn't it!

However, for those who were looking forward to the concert, this is not really a bad bargain. After all there are hit numbers like "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and many more that find a place in it. This becomes all the more interesting since Jackson comes up with new moves for these songs while making them further contemporary and presenting them to today's audiences.

The only thing that one misses as the film concludes is some more footage around comments from the people associated with the show. There are a few at the beginning but otherwise the film begins and ends like a concert video.

That was the intent of the feature for sure but it would have helped had audiences been given to know a little more about Michael Jackson - the man and not just Michael Jackson - the performer.

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Aladin - Movie Review

AladinCast: Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Riteish Deshmukh, Jacqueline Fernandes, Saahil Khan, Ratna Pathak
Director: Sujoy Ghosh
Rating: ***

"I am still a teenager", says Amitabh Bachchan right at the beginning of "Aladin", setting the mood for the film to follow. Young at heart and fresh in treatment, "Aladin" wouldn't have been possible without him.

Playing Genius - The Genie could have gone either way since he is expected to be whacky, quirky, a little eccentric, a bit mad and hugely lovable.

The narrative is clearly divided into two sections. If the first half is more children friendly, the second half has a lot going for teenagers and above.

There is some fun in store for children with a donkey's head replacing Riteish's, his guitar turning into a frog and him being thrown in the air after being turned into a balloon. The funny antics that follow may not have grown ups rolling with laughter, but should surely keep the smiles on.

Amitabh's 'Yo dude' act keeps the fun going. He adopts a completely different body language as the flamboyant genie, who is happy moving on with the times, and could give the younger generation a run for its money.

Meanwhile, Sanjay Dutt's Ringmaster character makes on and off appearances, though one would have expected to see more of him.

The entire past about Aladin and the Genius gets a little confusing.

The real fun begins in the second half with the battle between good versus evil. Sanjay becomes more prominent on screen, the past is unearthed, action and thrills take centrestage and the best of VFX is unveiled.

The visuals belong to the never-seen-before variety, especially the ones where Big B is shown repenting about his misdeeds. The flashback sequence is extremely well done too.

Sujoy Ghosh does well in conjuring the imaginary world of 'Khwaish' that gives the film a visual appeal. This is further enhanced by the presence of newcomer Jacqueline Fernandes.

Riteish is likeable as the young man who gets superpowers towards the film's end, hence keeping an option for a sequel.

Sanjay is good but how one wishes that he had at least a couple of dramatic scenes with Amitabh.

However, the film completely belongs to Amitabh who totally steals the show. Watch him in "Genie Rap" and you'll know why.

The story of "Aladin" is legendary and Genie and Jasmine are known worldwide. This is why it requires courage for a filmmaker to set the film in contemporary times and come up with his own take on a well loved tale.

Ghosh does exactly that as he lets his imagination go wild and spins a tale that ends up relating the past, present and future of these characters. This VFX filled entertainer is just the right recipe if one is looking for a family entertainer.

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Hrithik to make love with Monikangana Dutta

Hrithik to make love with Monikangana DuttaSanjay Leela Bhansali's Guzaarish is turning out to be one hot project. After agreeing to sing for the first time on-screen with Aishwarya, Hrithik is all set to lock lips in an intimate scene as well. Alas, the lucky lady will not be the Bachchan bahu but hot bod model Monikangana Dutta who is playing his former love interest.

According to sources, “Although Aishwarya is paired opposite Hrithik, he has intimate scenes with Monikangana. As she plays Hrithik’s former love interest, Bhansali wanted their sizzling chemistry to be quite apparent.

Monikangana has a small but very important role and it was imperative that she has intimate lovemaking scenes with Hrithik.

Being a debutante actress, the model is nervous about her passionate scenes with the actor. The intimate scenes will be shot during the film’s next schedule in January in Goa but Bhansali has already briefed the two.

We hear that the lovemaking scene between Hrithik and Monikangana is far more crucial as Bhansali wants to highlight their love for each other in his film. Apparently, Hrithik’s wife Sussanne is aware about the passionate scenes and has spoken to Monikangana so that she is less nervous while shooting for them.

In Guzaarish, Hrithik plays a paraplegic suffering from impairments of the motor and sensory functions of the lower limbs. Aishwarya Rai plays his nurse in the movie.

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Kareena finally forgives Abhishek Bachchan

Kareena finally forgives Abhishek BachchanKareena Kapoor seems to be on a patch up spree. Recently, when Kareena was on air for an exclusive interview with a TV channel, she was unperturbed and answered every question related to her past relationship with Shahid.

When asked if they are still in contact, she answered candidly, “No, we are not in touch. Shahid and I shared a wonderful relationship in the past, the least we can do is wish each other well. At least I know I do that from my side.”

But the story doesn't end here. After wishing her ex-flame well, she is now ready to mend ties with Bachchan junior as well.

Buzz is that the two have been signed for Abbas-Mustan’s untitled film, a remake of the Hollywood film, Italian Job. The movie will also star Katrina Kaif and Neil Nitin Mukesh in lead roles.

According to a source the director duo initially approached Saif Ali Khan to star with Bebo for the role but he did not have dates and he was replaced by Abhishek Bachchan.

Both actors made their acting debut together in Refugee and have been in the industry for years but have only starred together in two films till date.

While Kareena’s manager Zahid denies that she has signed the film, a source close to Abbas Mustan says, “The directors always had Kareena in mind and now they have managed to get Katrina on board too. The film will go on the floors in April and like every Abbas Mustan film, this too will also be shot on a lavish budget at international locations. The directors are clear about who they want to cast in the film.”

The Italian Job (2003) rights are with Studio 18. CEO Sandeep Bhargava of Studio 18 says, “We have the rights of Italian Job. Abbas Mustan are working on the script and will also direct the film. The movie will go on the floors sometime next year.”

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Will Shamita be able to attend Shilpa's wedding?

Will Shamita be able to attend Shilpa`s wedding?There’s a chance that Shamita may not be able to attend her sister’s wedding. According to highly- placed sources at Colors there seems to be no provision to get a contestant out of a game show for a wedding.

Hard as it may be to believe, Shilpa Shetty’s kid-sister now locked away in Bigg Boss, is oblivious of the momentous developments in her star-sister’s life.

Says a highly-placed Colors source, “Shamita has not been told anything about Shilpa’s engagement or the marriage in the last week of November. As far Shamita knows the marriage was supposed to happen in December after the show was over.”

Now that Shilpa has approached the channel to evict her sister in time for the wedding—and a meeting between the two parties is on the cards this weekend—the channel bosses are at a loss as to how the rules can be bent to get Shamita out of the Bigg Boss house.

Says the source, “There’s a provision for a house-mate to be brought out in a case of an extreme emergency. It happened with Jade Goody last year.But does a sister’s unscheduled wedding qualify as a family crisis? We’re now wondering if the same rule as Jade can be applied to Shamita’s case.”

The international Big Brother rules are being consulted. If there’s no provision for a contestant to leave the game for a family wedding, them Shamita Shetty may not get the permission to leave Bigg Boss house for the wedding!

This however seems improbable, considering Shilpa’s old relations with the reality show. (She was contestant on Bigg Brother and hosted Bigg Boss 2).

Says the source from Colors, “After meeting Shilpa this weekend we’ll work out a strategy on Shamita’s eviction.”

According to plans if rules apply, Shamita’s eviction will be done live. “If an unexpected turn of events helps us boost our TRPs we’re certainly not shy of putting it on camera. We did with Jade Goody. We’ll do it with Shamita.”

The pop philosopher of the show Amitabh Bachchan is expected to do the needful. He will be breaking the news of Shilpa’s engagement and impending marriage to Shamita.

“The rest is up to Shamita. Once we’re sure she can be evicted whether she decides to come out or stay in the House is entirely her decision, ” ends the channel source.

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Wills India Fashion Week 2010 - Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor present a creation by designer Rohit Bal

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Katrina Kaif features on cover of Vogue magazine

The wedding season comes knocking and the most celebrated fashion Magazine Vogue comes out with a wedding special edition this November. Gracing the cover is the beautiful and heart warming Katrina Kaif herself, looking every bit endearing in a purple sequinned Chanel Haute Couture dress.

While this issue makes for a special one, what with showcasing the most splendid creations from India's most famous wedding gurus, tips from the best wedding planners, caterers, florists, invitation designers, but there is an uninhibited chat with Katrina herself as she talks of her experience with fame and fortune, what's it like to be beautiful in Bollywood, and why she just might be a runaway bride. All this and more in the latest issue of Vogue.

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In Pics: Katrina Kaif promote Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani in NDTV

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3 Idiots not a direct lift of book

Aamir Khan starrer 3 Idiots isn’t a direct adaptation of the Chetan Bhagat Novel Five Point Someone, but has the trademark Hirani twist to it.

Chetan Bhagat’s novel Five Point Someone was about three IIT hostelmates with below average GPAs surviving in a B-school. Their marks not only affect their professional life, but family and love life as well. However, director Rajkumar Hirani who’s known best for creating the Munnabhai phenomenon has provided his own rendition to the tale of the three IITians. Hirani, when quizzed about the film being an adaptation, confirmed, “While the basic premise of the B-school and IITian culture is similar to that of the book, the film is very loosely based on the novel. The story and characters are very different, along with the humour and message that is delivered through the life of the three friends.”

A source on the sets of the film reveals, “The film is a notch above the book. Hirani has thrown light on the professional and parental pressure IITians go through in a B-school. The pressure of always being on top, strict competition and the necessity of doing everything forms the book and has been highlighted in the movie. The plight of the students and their parents will help audiences relate with the story. It’s a complete entertainer, considering Hirani’s humour can leave anybody rolling off their seat and also the message given at the end of each of his films. Aamir is the star of the film indeed, but Sharman Joshi, Madhavan and, most importantly, Boman Irani shine throughout the film. Kareena Kapoor is a breath of fresh air in the film. All characters are essaying the role of 20-25 year olds and are completely believable. 3 Idiots is a must-watch for the youth and their parents.”

Boman Irani too tagged the film as a must-watch in a recent interview and Kareena labeled 3 Idiots as the film of the year. With Aamir Khan going around town promoting the film through the youth, it is quite evident that the actors and the filmmakers feel very strongly about their forthcoming offering. Sounds like this film will be worth all those expectations, indeed!

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Ajab Prem: Katrina and Ranbir

Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor walked the ramp at the Wills Lifestyle Fashion Week in New Delhi for designer Rohit Bal.

Katrina is going all out to promote the film with Ranbir, and she isn’t very keen on promoting De Dana Dan, her other film with Akshay. She has been frank about the fact that she did the movie because Akshay requested her to be part of it and she cannot say no to him.

The Brit-Indian likes spending time with Ranbir during the promotions and has said that she likes him because they connect with each other and he is her age. Now which ‘old actor’ is she making a dig at?

Like most other co-stars, they sing praises of each other. Katz recently said in an interview, “Ranbir is a very cool, chilled-out guy and a terrific actor, who helped me in my scenes. He is pretty different from my other co-stars, and I connect with him.”

Meanwhile, Katrina refused to walk the ramp with Gudda’s original munda and opted for Ranbir instead. We are referring to Katz’s Rajneeti co-star Arjun Rampal (Rohit Bal’s prodigy), who had requested her to walk the ramp with him at the Wills Lifestyle Fashion Week but she turned him down in favour of Ranbir. Katz fancies Ranbir and, like a love-struck teenage girl, she is making it quite obvious. In the film, Katz’s character Jennifer doesn’t care much for Prem, but she is making up for it in real life. The two make a good-looking pair and have great chemistry.

If Katz has the hots for Ranbir, it is obvious that there are cracks in the Ranbir-Deepika relationship. Deepika hasn’t taken very kindly to Ranbir’s friendship with Katz and their hectic schedules have affected their relationship.

Sources inform us that the Salman-Katrina relationship is over though they both are very good friends. That is why Katrina was seen hanging out with Karan Johar at the GQ Awards and Pinky Roshan’s party. She was also chatting with SRK at the birthday party.

It will be interesting to see how this ajab prem ki ghajab kahani progresses. Is the romance just a publicity stunt or is something actually brewing between the two hotties?

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Bebo and Saif to bring up international terrorism on Bush's Delhi visit

Will talk on international terrorism on October 31 when George W Bush comes to Delhi

At a conference in Delhi on October 31, Kareena Kapoor and beau Saif Ali Khan will share the platform with former US president George W Bush. The couple intends to broach the subject of international terrorism, which is also the theme of their ready-to-release film Kurbaan.

While Saif is preparing his points for the big day, Kareena will go with the flow at her meeting with Bush. "I'm a very spontaneous person. It's like that with my acting. It would be like that when I meet Mr Bush. Jo dil mein hai woh bolungi."

This is the first time that Kareena will be addressing an international summit. But she isn't the least bit nervous.

"By now I've gained enough confidence to be able to speak at such summits with some amount of confidence.

Nowadays, you can't afford to have your head buried in the sand. You have to know what's happening in the world around you." Kareena admits Saif is a better talker. "In fact, I've learnt a lot of new words from him. But even otherwise I think I speak quite well."

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